Urban Pamphleteer #9 – Reimagining the Night

UCL Urban Laboratory has published Urban Pamphleteer #9, on the re-imagination of night-time cities by migrant communities through the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The advance of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the imposition of unprecedented emergency measures: night-time curfews, the closure of after-dark venues, and laws designed to prevent nocturnal activities and control the movement of populations.
Across Europe, the pandemic has coincided with multiple political crises, amounting to the greatest set of restrictions on public life since the mid-twentieth century.
Emergency measures have interrupted the growth of policy initiatives supporting night-time urban cultures in many European cities. The issue engages perspectives from nightlife cultural organisers and associations, artists, industry representatives, policymakers, scholars and others who share their experiences and ideas on the future of night spaces.
Urban Pamphleteer is a publication series produced in collaboration between UCL Urban Laboratory and Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. Each issue addresses a theme and set of questions that have recently surfaced in urban debate, framing contemporary challenges historically, and bringing together a diversity of text and visual contributions, written in an accessible way, to address audiences who are affected by the topics raised and/or are in a position to enact change.
The digital version of Urban Pamphleteer #9 is available through the link below. If you would like to buy copies of the print publication, these are also now available to order. For further information. please email urbanlaboratory@ucl.ac.uk.
The contributions include:
Robbie Kitt, Ireland, Dancing and Give Us the Night
Kuldip Singh and Yusu Yassin Dualeh, It’s Gonna Be Tonight
Amy Lamé, Interviewed by Ben Campkin
Rut Blees Luxemburg, Londonium
Ben Walters, Homemade Mutant Hope Machines
Len Évora, Summer Evenings
Rema Hamid, On Night-bound Alienation
Ana Naomi de Sousa, Night Walking in Lisbon During the Pandemic
Thys Boer and Julian Schaap, Reimagining Rotterdam’s Nightlife
José Manuel Vilalonga, Controlling Police Activity in a Pandemic Context
Jola Zych, Nite
Laura-Solmaz Litschel and Jola Zych, The Augmented City: Nocturnal Platform Labour Under Covid-19 Conditions
Hunnid22, Zing Ting
Ragazza, Night-time Sex Work Under Covid-19
Jorge da Veiga and Seger Kersbergen, Going Out is a Need
Joshua Idehen, Began in Fabric
VibeLab, Nighttime.org
Read the scanned copy here