Saving clubs one dance — one app — at a time

Nightclubs have been shut for well over a year now, and in this year, we’ve seen many iconic venues around the world shut their doors for good due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Desperados is calling on party people around the world to save party culture by doing what they do best. Dancing. All night long. Just like they used to.
As the self appointed patron saints of parties, the brand created the app “Rave to Save” to give the club community a way to save the scene, by letting party goers dance at home to support their local club.
People are invited to join a series of eight virtual raves through the app and dance. Using the pedometer available in smartphones, users’ dance moves are tracked and turned into a cash donation by Desperados to the club they are dancing for across Europe. 1000 dance moves = €1. Users also have the option to boost their personal contributions by making a cash donation to clubs in Germany, UK and Spain. The company will donate up to €30,000 at each event.
With the first rave at Prince Charles in Berlin, featuring Purple Disco Machine and Nakadia: 27 March: Prince Charles, Berlin
Upcoming: 4 April: Reineke Fuchs, Cologne / Germany10th April: Halo, Hamburg / Germany17th April: Cassiopeia, Berlin / Germany
How it works
- Go to any major App Store on your phone.
- Download the Rave to Save app.
- Login and turn on notifications as the app will let users know when a rave is starting.
- Tune into the livestream.
- Dance all night long.
- Make a cash donation of your own if you like