The new Vienna Club Commission is granted 1.5 Million Euros
The network for supporting club operators, organisers, residents and magistrates will remain in place in Vienna for the next five years

The Vienna Club Commission was established in 2020 as a temporary pilot project that was based at Mica – Music Austria.
Following in the place of other global cities – see our night time office map for reference – Viennas Club Commission collects and providing information and mediation between different interest groups whilst establishing clubs as socially and culturally important places.
Unexpected crisis advice centre
With the pandemic, which hit the clubs and nighttime restaurants particularly hard, the topic of “club culture” reached the centre of society. The Club Commission grew to become the go to crisis advice centre for night owls. The commission offered assistance from subsidies and rent reductions to FAQs on re-opening the nighttime industry. As a result, the one-year pilot project was extended to the end of October.
The topic of “club culture” has reached the centre of society
In order for the Club Commission to continue, the funding of the service point will be decided next Tuesday in the culture committee, which is almost equivalent to “institutionalisation”. The Vienna Business Agency is in charge of the steering group for the new commission close to the city.