ECF: Rave-olution from East to West

For the past several months, the teams from Tbilisi representing Bassiani and Act4culture (a non-profit organization based in Tbilisi, dedicated to the development of the cultural and creative communities in Georgia), Bam-C (the Balkan Advanced Music Conference), the Tresor foundation and United We Stream regions, have joined forces to work on a project funded by the “European Cultural Fund”.
The collaboration strives to create a robust, transnational alliance between Berlin, Sarajevo and Tbilisi to reimagine the usage of historical spaces, reviving them through cultural activities, as a result creating safe spaces where non-dominant youth culture, queer communities and other marginalised groups in Eastern Europe can thrive.
Together they want to plan a new future for the famous abandoned Hotel Igman in Sarajevo with the collaboration of the community in Tbilisi, Berlin and networks of Space of Urgency and United We Stream.
This process will be documented and amplified via streaming over regional and global United We Stream networks. The objective of these activities is to create a detailed blueprint and strategy for identifying and developing such a space in Georgia.
The first part of the project begins at the “Envisioning Free Space conference” this weekend where representatives from Tbilisi, Sarajevo and Berlin:
Lejna Čelebičić (BAM-C)
Mersel Bujak (BAM-C, UWS Balkan)
David Lezhava (Act4Culture)
Giorgi Kikonishvili ( Horoom/ Bassiani)
Dimitri Hegemann (Tresor / Happy Locals)
Moderated by Danaja Volk
Will give a short insight on their current socio-political situation when it comes to creating such spaces and what kind of potential for the future they see in building communities in historical buildings.
- How can the youth and non-dominant culture representatives strengthen each other transnationally and help reclaim their positive role in the city’s cultural and social life?
- How can local traditions be amplified internationally and fused with the knowledge and experience of innovative urban and spatial planning?
Get tickets to Envisioning Free Space (Freitraum) here.