Cities After Dark is a meeting series that seeks to connect key nighttime stakeholders together across Europe. Our goal is for cities to collaborate closely together and apply for tenders and funding on a national, continental and international level. Member cities include Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam, Ghent, Vilnius, Lisbon, Paris, London and more.
Taking place once a month, the 90-minute meetings will feature a different lecture and discussion on a nighttime-related topic, such as on the different models of nighttime governance in Europe, sustainability within the nighttime sector, and research methods in nighttime studies. Participants will also have the opportunity to share updates about the progress of relevant, ongoing projects, general developments in their city’s nighttime sector, as well as announce new projects or opportunities that may be of interest to other members. While the pilot series will only be available to members from cities in Europe, the goal is to expand the series to include other regions of the world as well.
Application Process:
To become a part of Cities after Dark, cities must apply as a “trio” comprising the three following partners
- a local academic or research institution
- a person or organisation from the city administration
- a nighttime-specific advocacy group or organisation
This is to ensure that we build a diverse network within and across cities, representing some of the key partners in advocacy, research and policy-related topics.
The next CAD call:
Join us on 10th May 2022 at 16:00 CET, where we will continue discussing strategies for applying to upcoming EU calls and tenders.
If you are interested in joining the Cities After Dark network with a consortium, please contact Jessie Dymond Barber jess@vibe-lab.org for more information.
Please visit our FAQs page for more information.