A Unified Vision for Sustainable Nightlife: A Roundtable to Inspire Collective Action
In pursuit of a shared vision for the future of sustainable nightlife, DJ’s For Climate Action (DJs4CA), VibeLab, and Future Meets Present united under the banner of DJs4CA’s 7th annual Earth Night Initiative to host a roundtable discussion on February 15th. This collaboration brought together representatives from night mayor’s offices around the globe and aimed to ignite a much-needed dialogue on sustainability within the nocturnal realms of nightlife and electronic dance music.
Our next roundtable discussion in the lead-up to Earth Night will take place on Wednesday the 3rd of April at 3 pm – 4.30 pm (CET) with nightlife operators. Want to join? Sign up here

Under the moderation of Eli Goldstein from DJs4CA, the discussion was set for an engaging exchange of ideas. With inspiring industry practitioners like Amer Jandali from Future Meets Present and Gerd-Jan Fritjers from Green Events NL gracing the roundtable, the discussion focussed on creating a shared vision for the future of sustainable nightlife.

Representatives from various city administrations, including Jeffrey Garcia from the NYC Mayor’s Office of Nightlife and Thierry Charlois from Paris, brought their invaluable insights to the table. Their presence underscored the growing recognition of the critical intersection between nightlife and environmental stewardship.

It became evident that despite progress, significant challenges still lie ahead for nightlife officials and operators. Natalie Mets, nighttime advisor for the city of Tallinn, highlighted the need for stringent regulations focused on waste reduction and energy conservation. Meanwhile, Robert Gaa, Night Mayor of Mannheim, emphasised the importance of initiating conversations and securing funding to drive sustainability initiatives forward and get them over the line.

The discussion delved into practical strategies and innovative approaches to catalyse change within the nightlife ecosystem. From implementing green riders and banning single-use plastics to fostering city-driven initiatives and leveraging consumer demand, the participants explored a plethora of avenues for transformation.

Yet, amidst the optimism and enthusiasm, there lingered a serious acknowledgment of the obstacles ahead. Gabija Liaugminaite from the Vilnius Night Office commented on the exclusion of music from mainstream climate discussions, while Varghese Chako of Nightlife United underscored the challenge of motivating venue owners, particularly those from underrepresented communities.
Nevertheless, the roundtable concluded on a hopeful note, with participants collaborating to create a shared vision for a more sustainable future. From advocating for regulatory support and financial incentives to promoting global best practices and fostering a culture of environmental awareness, the roadmap ahead was laid out.

The Earth Night Initiative has sparked a movement that transcends borders and boundaries, represented by enthusiastic collaboration among the diverse participants of this first roundtable discussion.
The conversation doesn’t end here, our next roundtable discussion in the lead-up to Earth Night will take place on Wednesday the 3rd of April from 3 pm – 4.30 pm (CET). For this next roundtable, we invite nightlife operators, promoters, venue owners, and nightlife workers to come together on their shared vision for a sustainable future. Before a final workshop brings industry and night mayors together to create a framework for collaboration…
Want to join? Sign up here